
Read Me First Document

Details on working with downloaded ISO Images or shipped Tutorials on USB Drives. Follow this link for PDF document with detailed information.

ESPRIT Edge Installation Guide

ESPRIT 2023 Installation Guide


ESPRIT 20xx OLDER VERSION Installation Guide

Problem using the INSTALL FILES button to copy files from DVD/ISO to your PC. Follow this link for details of an alternate method of copying the Tutorial Files.

Missing TNG Beginning Milling 4a) Bracket Soft Jaw.ESPRIT that is referenced on TNG Beginning Milling, Disk 1, Exercise 10)Bracket Jaws, Timestamp 2:15.

BLANK VIDEO WITH INTERNET EXPLORER (IE): A Windows Security update in 2016 made our HTML movies no longer play with the chapter indexing. You can still play the .MP4 movies in each folder on the DVD/ISO image. However the chapters no longer work in any browser.

We have corrected the problem by reproducing each of the current movie at the time of the Windows Update to use the new HTML5 format that now plays in any browser with a new chapter menu. The Tutorials that were updated in October of 2016 include:

ESPRIT 20xx Essentials
ESPRIT 2016 Wire Gold and Platinum
ESPRIT 2016 Beginning Milling
ESPRIT 2016 Beginning Turning
ESPRIT 2016 FreeForm 3-Axis
ESPRIT 2016 FreeForm 5-Axis
ESPRIT 2016 Advanced Turning & MillTurn
ESPRIT 2016 B-Axis Master Class
ESPRIT 2014 Advanced Turning & MillTurn
ESPRIT 2014 B-Axis Master Class
ESPRIT 2014 Swiss Master Class
ESPRIT 2014 Advanced Rotary Milling

NOTE KnowledgeBase and Post Tutorials as well as any Tutorials newer than the list above are not effected by this problem.

All older Tutorials will have to be played by double-clicking the .MP4 movie in each of the folders on the DVD/ISO image. Here is a link to a detailed PDF Document covering Using Old ESPRIT Tutorials.

INSTALL FILES ERROR: If you get a "requires elevation" error when selecting the "INSTALL FILES" watch this movie to resolve this error.

KnowledgeBase (KBM) Basic files on Essentials DVDs. If you get an error when trying to install the KBM Basics files use this link to download the file. Unzip the files into the following folder:

C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\DP Technology\ESPRIT\Data\Esprit_Files

SLOW VIDEO PERFORMANCE: You can create a Folder on your PC and copy the contents of the DVD/ISO Image into the folder. Double-click "Autorun.exe" to open the main menu of the Tutorial.

BLANK SCREEN USING BROWSERS OTHER THAN INTERNET EXPLORER (IE): The software used to produce movies creates a .MP4 file along with an HTML5 file that includes the Chapter Indexing. This combination does not always work in Browsers other than IE such as Microsoft Edge.

You can watch this movie to learn how to view our movies in Internet Explorer without changing your default Browser. 
Alternate Browser Method.

Learning Milling & Turning Post Processor sample .ASC Posts for use with the ESPRIT Post Tutorial. ion GuideProblem